The sounds are in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo. If you still really want to change the sounds, replace the corresponding files in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo. While you can select a theme in the sound settings, you can't create or install any new ones. In the Alert Sound section, select an alert sound.Open the Activities overview and start typing Sound.You can choose different sound clips for alerts, set the alert volume independently of your system volume, or disable alert sounds entirely. How do I change notification sounds in Linux? Uncheck this option in order to turn off the Terminal bell. This option is checked by default which means that the Hardware beep is enabled. In the Preferences view, try locating the “Terminal bell” option under the Sound category. For vim Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor, turn off beep alert sound by appending the following line to the file ~/. Terminal>Edit>Profile Preferences > General > Terminal Bell, uncheck the ticked terminal bell check-box. How do I turn off the beeping sound in Linux? A third approach is to connect to your X display and send it a bell command.There are other ways to cause a beeping noise.The traditional method of producing a beep in a shell script is to write an ASCII BEL ( \007 ) character to standard output, by means of a shell command such as echo -ne '\007'.

How do you make a beeping sound in Linux?

How do I turn off system sounds in Ubuntu?.