Wintousb 1.2 final
Wintousb 1.2 final

wintousb 1.2 final wintousb 1.2 final

This video moves quite fast, so use the pause button to see each step and all settings used! For instance, you could have a bootable USB hard disk which could be used to automatically install (with all drivers and applications) a netbook, a Dell PC, an Asus notebook and an HP PC all using the same XP ISO but all having different drivers and applications without using an image. Tutorial #82 explains how you can use one XP ISO to start an automated, semi-automated or manual install onto any system, and automatically add the specific drivers and applications for that particular system all from one USB bootable drive.

wintousb 1.2 final

It is the perfect companion for Tutorial #43 and can easily be added to the menu.lst used in that tutorial or see Tutorial #63 which combines this tutorial and Tutorial #43 into one. This tutorial explains how you can add an XP Install ISO file to your grub4dos bootable USB flash drive. The main advantage of this method however is that it is very quick to try out - just drop your ISO files on the USB drive and test it! If this method does not work then I would recommend trying WinSetupFromUSB instead (see Troubleshooting section below). Note: This method may not work work on some non-Intel chipset systems. If you want to make a USB Flash drive that can install Windows 7 32/64bit, XP Home and Pro, Vista 32/64bit and W2K8R2 see Tutorial #63 which combines this tutorial and Tutorial #43 into one!

Wintousb 1.2 final